Monday, August 27, 2012

The Metric System

Sources say that the U.S. is one of the last three countries in the world to go fully metric. Do you think that the U.S. Government should pass laws to force the U.S. to convert? What would be the advantages and disadvantages? How would it be enforced?

Respond to the topics above in a minimum of 5 complete sentences. Then in separate posts, comment on two other students responses. Be sure to include your first name only and period on all posts or they will not be published.


  1. The advantages of the U.S.A. going fully metric is that it would be easier for the kids to understand rather than miles,feet ect....The disadvantages of the U.S.A. going fully metric is that people would have to learn and adapt a whole new system when they are already used to a different system.I think it would be enforced by being put in curriculums for kids to learn and teachers would be told to teach their students the metric system.
    - Rida P.6

    1. I think your idea of having kids never taught the metric system i never would of thought of that

    2. I think it would be hard learn another system because it would take a lot longer to learn something completely different. We shouldn't convert! We would spend most of our time doing that instead of other schoolwork

    3. I don't think the U.S.A should teach kids only the metric system because some people will not want us to go metric and the every state's standards would change. If the parents do not understand the metric system and the child only knows metric, how could they tell each other what temperature or what the distance is from point A to point B.

    4. I agree you Thomas because you are right about the parents not understanding, along with all of the states standards.

    5. Libby (Elizabeth) Per. 3September 13, 2012 at 1:57 PM

      I totally agree with what you said. I think they should go metric, sadly all kids would have to adapt but in the end, it is easier to convert then miles and feet.

    6. that is a good idea but that would be hard because some people know the metric system like the back of there hand,Rida.

    7. I agree with you thomas i think the US shouldn't go completely metric because some will not understand and some people don't want to go fully metric. On the bright side it will be easier to convert miles and feet like Libby said

    8. I agree, except for the fact that changing to metric all of a sudden wouldn't be a good idea because not many people know it and they can't just change it. EVERYTHING would change. License plates, weighing machines, computers, programming code, homes, spaceships etc... They should start with the next generation of kids. They should teach them the metric system, then staart a vote to change as soon as all schools, offices etc know it,

    9. I agree with Thomas in period 2 because if kids learned metric in school how would parents learn, if they are supposed to switch too?

    10. I agree with Erika from 3rd period because i think it would be harder to learn another sytstem in the middle of learning about the metric system

    11. Nicolas Weinstock, 6 periodSeptember 17, 2012 at 9:49 PM

      I agree, because then people would have an easier time getting things done with the metric system. The metric system is a lot easier to use because everything is a multiple of ten.But the sudden change will confuse lots of people at first,since they're so used to the British system. The government would enforce it like this:Every product manufactured must be specified in metric, and the billboards on the freeways must tell you the distance in meters instead of miles to show the distance to a certain city or state. The government should also make it so schools, companies, etc. should be taught things in metric.

  2. I think the government should switch to the metric system. The advantage is that the metric system is so simple, that it is a lot easier to convert from basic unit to other units. The system we use today really confusing with the 16 ounce in a pound, 12 inches in a foot. How it could be enforced is that all rulers and measuring devices are changed to the metric system. Another way could be to pass a law saying that every company that makes measuring devices must switch to the metric system.

    1. Jacob Per.7
      I agree they should force it by changing all devices to the metric system. Good job Graham

    2. I think that you are wrong if the U.S. forced us to only use the metric system parents who don't know how to use the metric system would have problems with ordinary things like baking or help their kids with math homework.

    3. I also think we should move over to the metric system. I like the way you think that all company's that involve measuring should change by law.

    4. I completely agree. Kate, when you said parents would have a hard time converting, I see your point but the metric system is so easy to learn. Also, many parents already know the metric system because they might have moved here from a different country that uses the metric system.

    5. I agree with you that it would be a lot easier to use those calculations in the metric system graham. The only thing though is that people would have to get used to the metric system.Things like the stores, road signs,and gas stations,etc...would all have to get changed which could take a while to prepare.

    6. Arin per. 1

      I agree with your idea of the government using the metric system but passing a law for it to be used that just seems extreme.

    7. I also agree with Nitish. However I agree with Trenton about voting so I think that the best way to spread the usage of the metric system would be to have the government publicly announce they are using it thus making many people think it's a good idea

    8. I also agree with Nitish. However I agree with trenton morein his perspective about voting.

    9. I agree totally with trenton on his perspective about voting

    10. I do wish we used the metric system, but it would cost BILLIONS of dollars to replace everything, change all the books, the weighing machines, car designs, license plates, computer chips, programming, etc... this list can't end! AND people would struggle to change, so we can change it during the next generation of kids, which would make more sense.

    11. I agree with Nitish that it would be incurably hard to change everything because we would need all of that money and we already have school budget cuts!!

    12. I agree with Nitish in period 8 about it costing so much money to switch. That would be one of the reasons why we shouldn't switch.

  3. Nitish Doss 8th periodSeptember 11, 2012 at 5:06 PM

    I agree because the customary system is confusing. The advantages are that the metric system has only rounded numbers and it is much simpler. There would be no disadvantages. It would enforced by a vote. Textbooks would have the metric system and people everywhere would go metric.

    1. I totally agree with you Nitish, because we both have the same general ideas about the law, but the end of what you said is a little extreme.

    2. Nitish I agree about going metric, but the problem with a vote is that most people don't even know what the metric system is. So the vote would not be a fair vote because the people who don't know what the metric system is would say no.

    3. Nitish Doss 8th periodSeptember 14, 2012 at 2:39 PM


    4. Arin per. 1

      I agree with Trenton about voting but i also agree with Nitish about how we should use the metric system.

    5. I agree with what you said, Nitish, but I think that it might take time for Americans to change into the metric system. It isn't that simple and like Trenton said, some people might not know what the metric system is. But I think that students will understand more if we follow the metric system.

    6. I actually kind of changed my mind about voting after i thought about it. now my replies are longer than my blog

  4. i don't really think that US should convert because people already are used to using the English Measurement System. It's also more ancient and it has it's roots from the then common measurements.

  5. i don't really think that US should convert because people already are used to using the English Measurement System. It's also more ancient and it has it's roots from the then common measurements.

    1. People may be used to the english system but it is so hard to convert all those measurements especially if you are bad at math. The metric system would be sooo much easier.

  6. i don't really think that US should convert because people already are used to using the English Measurement System. It's also more ancient and it has it's roots from the then common measurements.

    1. What do you mean by the English measurement system is more ancient? I read that the metric system was created in 1795 but the U.S customary units were only created in 1824. But as you can see the I said U.S customary units because that's what the system is called. If your talking about English Measurement system that's something much much older created in the 1200's

    2. I agree with you Trenton because i looked up what you said and found out it was true AND
      the reason everyone else uses the metric system is that it's not confusing at all.

    3. Arin per.1

      Trenton is absolutely right I just searched on google.

    4. Shawn.8
      I think that passing that law was really dumb. So just because we had to go metric system then the goverment will spend a lot of money on other stuff than firefighters etc. There is also, a good reason that to swich because now it goes by 10s not like 13 or 14s. plus now its easier to do our homework for science because instead of using counting by 12s or 13s we can calculate with 10. But at the end of the day its a yes or no question and you have to choose but I would swich because its easier to calculate and bake and stuff like that.Shawn .8

    5. Shawn.8
      Nitish i think your comment is a houndred pecent true because it made sence and i dint have to check online i fust read it and i could tell that it was true Shawn .8

    6. Shawn .8 Trenton i actualy that wasnt true so i went online and for a matter of fact it is true
      thank you for ecnolaging me. shawn.8

    7. I totally agree with you, I was thinking the exact same thing.

  7. I think that the U.S. should switch to the metric system. I think this mainly because it goes by 10's, and that way it is easier to change numbers from centimeters to meters, or kilometers to decimeters, or any combination you can think of. In the English system, the measuring goes by 12 and the weight goes by 16. Also, in the metric system the abbreviations make a lot more sense. In the system we use, pounds is lbs. In my mind, that doesn't make much sense. The only disadvantage about using the metric system, is since we are so used to the English System, it may be hard to get used to it.

  8. I am not sure which one is better the metric system or the standard system. The metric system would make it easier to calculate measurements. There would also be lots of sign changes like amusement park height limits on the roller coasters, change everybody's driver licence, and it wouldn't 90 degrees farenheit it would be 32 degrees celsius. Some older people will never get used to the new system and get confused. Even though the standard units of measuerments are more difficult to understand we shouldn't change over to the metric system. It's the system we know and love.

    1. I agree with you completely in what you said about elderly people getting confused but I still think the metric system should be adopted in our country because it is more simple. I also think that switching to the metric system will benefit generations to come.

    2. Even though we are adapted to our current system, if you look, a lot of things nowadays are labeled in both metric and standard. We could take an election (like mentioned below on blog) to get other citizens input.

    3. That's a fairly good point, didn't think about sign changes. Hmmmmm...

      Elijah w. per. 3

    4. You have a good point, but since the metric system is easier older people will probably be just fine. The metric system would be much easier for everyone. We wouldn't have to work so hard to convert inches to feet or yards, especially since many people are bad at math and find it annoying and tedious work(like myself).

    5. I never thought about temperature. My grandparents live in Switzerland, and I always get confused when they talk about what the weather is like there.

  9. I think that they should pass these laws. The disadvantages would be that people would have to adapt to this new system, and people might not want to have to relearn their measurements. The good things would be that once you learn how it works it would be much more easy to use because of the even numbers (10, 100, 1000...). It could be enforced by getting people to vote (like the election) so the U.S would be forced by the power of democracy to change convert all measurements to metric system. So my opinion is that they should change, to make measurements easier for the people of today and the people of the future.

    Katie per. 1

    1. i think you are right but people would have to convert ao that stinks.

    2. I think that having an election would be a good idea to get other peoples take on the idea. If they just passed the law, I think a lot of people might still use our system. So having an election would be good.

    3. I agree. It would make it a lot more simple for everyone to just count by tens when converting.

    4. I support your comment.It was very agreeable

    5. If the metric system idea was some how put up for a vote I don't think people would really care about which system we use. They would only care about things that change the economy and the presidency.

    6. I agree with every thing you said.

    7. Libby (Elizabeth) Per. 3September 13, 2012 at 1:59 PM

      I agree, but adapting for the kids, and adults it would be tricky.

    8. I agree with you about everything especially the voting everyone should have a say.

    9. yea... maybe the whole us could have a vote on which system to use as our permeant system!

  10. I think the U.S. should pass the law. The metric system is much simpler than the system we use in the U.S., the metric system is dived by tens, not twelves. When working with other countries it would be a lot simper to all use the same system, the metric system. It is also simple to convert. If you have four grams, converting that into kilograms your head is very easy. The metric system would be very convenient for us to use.

    1. I think they shouldn't pass the laws because it will take longer to learn the whole metric system and plus we already have learned a different system. So why learn another system?

    2. Because it would make it a whole lot easier when converting to use tens instead of twelves. It is a lot easier to multiply and divide by tens than by twelves.

    3. I agree with you Sarah! I think it would be much easier also. Some people might find it difficult to convert, but that doesent mean that it is impossible to! I also admired you mentioned reasons why people should convert. Very well written!

    4. I think that it is both reasonable if the U.S. passes the law and if the U.S. doesnt pass the law. I agree with Erika. It will take a long time to learn the whole metric system but I also agree with Amber too. I think once we fully understand the metric system, it will be less confusing then the system we use now.

    5. Sarah, I disagree because I think that the way we do it now is so much easer and it is easer to learn

  11. Kate 3rd period, I don't think that the U.S. Government should pass laws to force the convert because most adults who are taught with inches and feet might not be able to adapt. Along with kids who have learned that system, and not the metric system, could be confused. The disadvantages would be that some of the U.S.A. wouldn't know how to use the metric system and have trouble doing math, baking, and other things that involve measuring things.
    The advantage would be that the U.S. would use the same type of measuring as most of the world and we would be able to do math quicker in ways.

    1. I disagree with you because converting units in the metric system is way easier than in the British System. Instead of multiplying by 16, 12, 5280 and 2000, you just need to multiply by an exponent of ten. This is also the reason why I believe it's easy to adapt to.

    2. I think they should convert, but you have a good point. Having to learn a whole new system would be quite challenging since the kids and adults are used to used to using our system.

    3. Well most mathematicians and scientists already know the metric system so how long would it take for a national showing on TV of how to use the metric system.

  12. The U.S. definitely should pass the law because everything in the Metric System is based on tens. In the metric system, all you have to change the unit you're using is add a different prefix to the appropriate basic unit, meters, liters and grams, while in the British System, there aren't any basic units of measurements. Also, the U.S. is one of only three countries in the world to use the British System. Using the Metric System would give us an advantage in communication.

    1. I totally agree with you, because it would be easier to communicate with other countries. The law should be passed.

  13. Myles, period 7

    I believe that the U.S. should pass the law to convert to the metric system. First off the metric system is a lot easier to understand than feet an inches. One reason is the fact that all you need to know are prefixes and understand place value and you are almost a pro at the metric system. A disadvantage is that some people might not want to switch over and when you start talking about measurements they won't know what you mean. I think we could in force this idea by possibly asking citizens who have come from other countries and can speak English to help students understand more of it. For adults all you need to do is cut their paycheck if they don't learn it.

  14. i think if the USA switched to the metric system we could understand other countries and then we would compare more things like world temp., distance,and other things. Also the metric system gos by 10s not stupid hard to convert 12.For example how many inches are in thirty feet? If you want to be fancy its 360 inches but there are 3000 centimeters in 30 meters that's a lot easier than inches . that why Paul from period 8 thinks why we should use the metric system.
    Paul period 8

    1. I agree that the metric system should be used in the US. It is hard to think about how simple it would be to count in 10's- not weird numbers.

  15. I think that we should be using the metric system, because I for one do not like math and love it when it’s easy, and that’s what the metric system does. The advantage would be it is WAY easier to use the metric system than our system right now. The system we use now is harder to convert, because we use harder to memorize numbers. We would have to relearn a new system, but that’s a small price to pay… right? We should enforce this rule by making it a school district policy. We could also stop making rulers for our current system.

    Elijah, 3

    1. i completely agree.i love the metric system makes math and converting more easy than normal. and i think converting to the metric system is a small price to pay for an easier life. also its based of tens so know your tens and boom super easy converting.

    2. Jacob Per.7
      I agree that it is harder to convert with multiples of 12 than it is with 10. Nice job Elijah

    3. Hemi Per,5
      i completely agree with Elijah because the metric system is like math but simpler and acually sort of fun if you think about it (enough). and i too agree it is harder to convert with multiples of 12 than it is 10.

    4. I agree because the customary system is confusing, for example, how many feet is 3 miles and 3 quarter miles. It's really hard because 1 mile is 5280 feet

    5. I agree with you I think that the metric system makes things way easier and even though it would be hard to learn a new system at first, it is totally worth it.

  16. I think that they should pass the laws.The metric system is much easier than the system we use because it is easier to convert. It is also divided by 10's instead of 12's an it makes it alot less complicated. And since most of the other countries use the metric system it would make it easier to do in another country. The disadvantages would be the people of the U.S. would have to adapt to a whole new system

    1. I agree with you that it would be hard to adapt to. But the metric system is a lot easier

    2. I agree with the both of you. I think that the U.S. should convert to the metric system because its easier to use even though it would be hard to learn a new system at first.

    3. It would be hard to adapt to a new system. I do not agree with you because life needs to have challenges in it. it would be boring if things got too easy.

  17. I think they should pass the metric system law because the metric system is much easier to count with , than the regular numbers that we have now. I can count to a hundred way faster with ten's than with the normal numbers. Also i think that they should pass the law because i think that it would be easier to teach kids and adults the metric system.

    1. i totally agree the metric system is soooooo much easier than our current system. it is easy to cunt and convert with also. i also think learning the metric system is easier than our current system.

    2. Hemi Per, 5
      i agree it is faster to count to one hundred with 10s than it is any other number. and the metric system is the fastest process than any thing i could think of.

  18. i think they should fully convert to the metric system. Its based off tens so its really easy to measure mass volume and length. i can convert centimeters to kilometers in less than 1 minute with the ladder. also i love it when math is easy and the metric system does that.

    1. Hemi Per,5
      i agree counting by tens are easy and if you think about it even more it is the easiest number to count to one hundred with. and i agree we should make it counting by tens.

  19. i think they should have the metric system because the metric system is much easier to count. using the metric system make me understand what it means. i think using the metric system will be much easier to teach people the metric system.

  20. I think switching to the metric system could work, but there are some things to consider, first. Some people may not be very willing to switch and learn a whole new system. We would also have to change all measurement tools and posted measurements, dimensions, etc. However, some people might like the idea. Since the system is based on 10 instead of 12, I think it is easier to learn and use.

  21. I think that the U.S. should go fully metric. Only because it's so much easiyer than the system that we use now! Learning about how 12 inches are in a foot and how 5,080 feet are in a mile may be. I think that is way harder than just learning that 1,000 Kilo= 100 Hecto both equal 10 Deka ect... Hopefully soon the U.S.A. government will pass this law.

    1. I agree that the metric system is easier but everything in the country will have to change - road signs, stores, gas stations! And how will the older people learn the new system?

  22. I think it the US should switch to the metric system. We could communicate better with other countries because we would all be speaking the same scientific and mathematical "language". Students could learn math and science in a simple yet effective method.The only mystery to me is how our country would switch to the metric system. It would be very difficult to adapt to a newly adopted system but I have confidence the our country is up for the challenge!

  23. I think we need to pass the law to switch over to the metric system rather than the current system we are using right now. The metric system is so much easier because it is divided into 10's instead of 12's. The bad part of switching over to the metric system is that we (kids) would have to learn another system than we already know, and teachers would have to change most of their teaching style from science into something different. The metric system is so much easier than our system, so we REALLY NEED to switch over to the metric system for teachers and kids who need a learning education that is much more simpler for them so they can understand it and get better grades.

  24. Erika, I do not agree with you because in science we already are learning the metric system so if we switch over we will already know some of it.

  25. Amani, I think you are right because you are right about passing the law and that we should.

  26. I think U.S. should convert because, it would be more expensive and harder BUT the US can convert with rest of the world much easier.

  27. I think that the U.S should convert even tough it would make it hard for the people to convert, as Katie said in first period. Even so in math classes the measurement section would be simpler making it a smaller section in math. This would leave more time for algebra and geometry, math sections kids struggle on. People also wouldn't have to worry about those fractions as much. Finally I believe when Russia and the U.S were working together on a project in space they messed up. The problem was is that they worked in their different systems the U.S used miles, feet and inches while Russia used Kilometers, meters, and centimeters. This resulted in people dying in space. My point is that if the U.S used the metric system we would be able to communicate better with other countries. Especially in math.

  28. Sebastien September 12,2012 8:18 PM

    I think they should pass the law to change to the metric system so it makes it easier to learn distance. It would also be a big advantage for people who later on want to live in another area such as Europe. It would also be easier because than the people won't have to master a system that almost no one uses in the world. The Metric System is also easier because if you know the basic words like kilo, deci, and more. The disadvantages are that it would cost a lot of money, It would be very hard for everybody especially Elementary school teachers because they would have to change their ways of learning. It could also give a bad picture for the president because adults will have to go to school again.

    1. I definitely agree with your reasonings you have a very educated response. I also think it would easier if you know these east basic words.

    2. Adults will not have to go to school again, it would just be really hard to get used to. I agree with most of what you said, but it would be easier if we weren't forced to convert. We should just teach the metric system in school instead of the English system so that we can convert gradually.

  29. Jacob Per.7
    I think we should make the switch for many reasons. An advantage is the metric system uses multiples of 10 instead of 12 which you can multiply much faster in your head. A disadvantage is we would have to learn a whole new system and some people might not like that. We should try to force it by having a vote on who wants the metric system and who wants the one we have now. That is why we should switch to the metric system.

    1. Hemi Per,1
      I think we should keep the metric system we have now and continue with it because it fast and simple. Not to mention you can do it in your head if you remember the ladder.

  30. Libby (Elizabeth) Per. 3September 13, 2012 at 2:05 PM

    I do think the U.S. should go fully metric. It may get a little getting use to but, after that, it will be a lot better. It would be easier for younger children to go metric because of multiples of 10. It may be harder for elders, but in the end it will help a lot. There are advantages and disadvantages of going metric.

    Libby (Elizabeth) Per. 3

  31. I think we shouldn't switch to the metric system because we've been using the metric system and it is very ancient. I know that I would be fine switching but I'm used to using the English system.

    1. Natasha I totally agree with you. It would be a lot harder to learn a completely different system. It does't help to make things harder to learn.

  32. I personally think that we should change to go fully metric. My reasoning for this is because it would make life easier for the average student in most every subject. It would also make the working life a lot simpler so we can get projects done faster and make life all that more simple. I say that we should by law change and go to the metric system so we would all have a less stressful life. Everyone could just wake up in the morning with out any stress about giant complicated test. This are my reasons why the United States should go fully metric.

    1. I agree. THe metric system is soo much easier especially if you are tired of having to do long complicated math while trying to convert miles int feet.

    2. Lucas I'd agree with you but look at what would happen, Places everywhere would get confused, everything would change, and like Trenton said, BILLIONS of dollars. things like computers, power outlets, games, weighing machines, homes, space shuttles, planes, cars, man, this list could go on forever! But anyway, I would say that we should change in the next generation of kids or the generation after that so people wouldn't have to change everything. And it would be easier to learn from the start. i still agree with you though.

    3. Sebastien 8th September 16, 2012
      I agree Lucas about the tests and why retain so much complicated things in your head if almost no one else uses the system in the world.

    4. you have some pretty good points although i dont think they should change it by law but over time

  33. I just talked to my dad about this and apparently it would cost billions of dollars to change to metric because you would have to change every inch to metric measurements.

    1. I never thought of that. You are right.

  34. Why does everybody think about that it's divided into 10's instead of 12's. Think of something different. Look up things on the metric system or the U.S. customary system if you don't want to change. Maybe you'll figure out something you never knew.

  35. Hemi,Per 1
    i think the metric system is soo easy because its just counting. LITERALLY!! and the King Henry Died Unexpectadly Drinking Chocolate Milk helped me a lot. so thank you Mr. Riddle for teaching me such a quick and easy way to learn the metric system.

  36. I think that we should have a choice on if we use the metric system or english system because then people can choose what they want to use. Scientists can use the english system if they want but, convert their measurements to metric when they are done. Also kids who are familiar to the english system can stay on the english system. We can teach upcoming generations the metric system so that way we won't have to convert so suddenly. One of the downsides though would be that other countries who
    don't use metric would have a hard time sharing information. In conclusion it would be a lot easier to have a choice.

    1. I think that might be helpful for some people who don't want to switch over, but I think the country should only use one system, or lots of people would get confused.

    2. Sebastien 8th
      I half agree. I do think you have a good point about using both systems, but I think we should know the Metric system earlier and be able to learn the English system by choice.

  37. yes I do agree that the U.S. government should pass a law to go fully metric. the benefits of the metric system are it would be easier to know the sizes and weight of things. for an example if i wanted to know how many millimeters are in 2 centimeters i could look at the chart or make one. how i remember kilo, Hecto, deka, unit, deci, centi, milli is king Henry unexpectedly died drinking chocolate milk. the law for going metric would be enforced by it being taught in 4th grade and it would be used almost every day in math and science and any othe subject that can use it.

  38. Samara Per. 5
    I think that the U.S should go fully metric, it would be a lot easier to understand. kids would probably like it a lot, maybe even some parents. The disadvantage are that people would have to learn it and get used to it, which might take a while but I am sure we could handle it. Also, adults might not like it because they're not used to it. It would be inforced by maybe having a vote or just teachers being told to teach the students the metric system.

  39. I think we should teach the metric system in school instead of the english system so that we can convert slowly. That way people who have used the english system their whole life wont have to convert so suddenly. Also if we convert gradually once we have fully converted people who move here from different countries won't have to learn a completely different system. I think it would be best for everyone. It still would be hard to actually carry out though.

  40. I don't think it's such a good idea to change to the metric system. Even if calculating stuff with the metric system is easier it would take a long time for things to change. It will also be very confusing for most people.

    The government could have both systems, current and metric, running together for 10 years to let the people get used to it and then everything is measured with the metric system. The difficulty is that all of the signs and scales would have to be rebuilt all over the country which is hard work and can take years. All of these changes would also cost a fortune. So, even though the metric system is easier, it is not worth changing.

  41. Vinay Srinivasan, Period 7
    I believe the U.S. Should not force the metric system because it is a free country and other people may find it harder.I personally find the metric system easier but thats just an opinion. One advantage is that we would be able to communicate with other countries better. One downside is that U.S.A is already familiar with the English measuring system. Can somebody tell me why U.S. didn't use the metric system and instead chose the english measuring system.

  42. I think that the U.S. should go fully metric because it is way easier than the system we use now.The advantages would be that the metric system would make math easier to do because it is based on tens.The disadvantages would be that it would be hard to learn because we already are used to the system that we are using right now.In conclusion, it would be great if the U.S. went fully metric. I hope that the U.S. government passes laws so the U.S. could convert.

    1. @ Natalie per 8
      I disagree with you because of several reasons. First of all, I think it's good to be able to choose which system you wish to take. Also, you don't always want to take the easy way out, because it's also a good way to practice math.

  43. I think that the U.S. should go fully metric, because, the metric system is way easier then the system that we are using now because, it counts by tens. The advantage would be that it would make doing the math way easier. The disadvantage would be that it would be hard to learn a new system because we are used to the system that we are using right now. In conclusion,I think that the U.S. should become fully metric. Hopefully the U.S. government passes laws so the U.S. can convert.

  44. I think that everyone should use the metric system because its easier and faster. I also think that we should have a choice on which system to use because some people might not understand the metric system,not like the metric system, or might just prefer to use the other system. But I personally think that the metric system is much easier.

    1. I kind of agree with you. thats a good idea, having a choice between the two systems, but to live your life to its fullest, you have to make things hard. That's what the system we use now does.

  45. i do not think that people who live in the U.S. should convert to metric because people who speak English have always used the English system. The down side of this would be that people already use this system for science. Which means right now were using the English system ,plus a little bit of the English system. In the end I think that we should have the choice. I believe that they should not be told to convert.

  46. I think that if the U.S. uses the metric system like almost every other country, it would be much more easier in so many ways. For example, the metric system is basically just using 10s and the system we use right now is more confusing and isn't using a number you can mentally calculate and convert in your head. But, since we already have been using our system for so long, it defiantly will be hard for us to change and adapt the metric system. Then again, I know someone who moved from a different country and was confused by our system. There are reasonable reasons why we should change our system and why we should keep it as it is.

  47. I think we should try out the metric system because it is much simpler than the English system. I also think that we should change because people from other places would be able to use the system. Some bad things would be that we are used to the English system so we may have trouble adapting. Also adults did not learn the metric system when they where young so they couldn't help with homework. If we did go metric we would no longer have the title of one of the only 3 countries that haven't gone metric.Overall I think we should switch to the Metric system.

    1. I agree with this and u made some pretty good points

  48. I think that the us should not go fully metric because then things would get too easy. It's nice to get a break and use the easy way out, but life needs a challenge. Besides, with the metric system,everyone would have to learn new way to do things. That could be especially hard for people who are used to the system they use today. The metric system could be helpful to get work and buildings done a lot faster. Without the metric system, things like math and science and, well, everything would be harder, but challenges are good.

    1. I definitely agree with you because sometimes, you need a good challenge, and sometimes,you are in a rush and you need to go the easy way.I think this is a very good perspective of it.

  49. I think that the usa should go fully metric be because it would be a lot easier for people although some people dont knoow it and it would be hard to change

  50. I think we should not change to the metric system because it would be a huge hassle for everyone to think differently about measurements. it would be easier in the future when everyone can understand it, but we should be a unique country and stick with the metric system.

  51. I think we should go fully metric, it will make measuring everything easier. It would be easier to solve everything.

  52. I don't think that it is a good idea that the US switches to the metric system. I think this because it will be hard for many people to learn it. Another reason that we shouldn't switch is because it is cool that we are one of the last countries to not have switched. Maybe we will eventually be the only ones left that haven't yet switched. If we switch then our governments will spend money on switching to metric in textbooks, rulers, and much more. I think that we should stay as we are because one of the reasons that people want to switch is because it is simpler, but if we don't switch we will have to do more math and work which will make us smarter.

  53. I think that there are advantages, and disadvantages to going fully metric.Some of the advantages could be that it's an easier and faster way to measure.However, there are also downsides. For example everybody is already used to using the system we are currently using, and we would have to teach everyone the metric system. Also it kind of takes away part of your freedom if they are going to force you to only use one system of measurement.

  54. I don't think they should enforce that because everyone is already used to the old way. If we did lots of people could get confused. There is also no reason because the old way is still good, its not like the old way went bad. I think the old way is easer and doesn't take that long. It is just as good as the metric system too.
